Weekend Carnival

We took Noah and Tristan to a carnival over the weekend. This was the first time Noah rode any carnival rides. Josh went on a few with him, but he was fine going on them all by himself. He wanted to go down the really tall potato sack slides, but I thought he would probably get to the top and freak out. There was this huge blow-up octopus wrapped around a ship that was just a big slide. Noah went on it twice and loved it! Maybe he wouldn't have chickened out on the big kid slide... we'll save that for next year.

I don't handle the spinning-puking rides very well so I was glad Josh was around. Tristan had fun hanging out with me, taking pictures. We ate some expensively delicious carnival food, walked around a bit, rode a few rides, and then went home.


Amalia said…
That looked like a fun weekend. Noah is such a big boy now. To think the only time I ever saw him in person, he was around tristans age. boy time flies. I love that pic of you and tristan btw. You look gorgeous.
Britni said…
What a fun family day! I can't wait to do something like this with my girls. I use to love all those crazy spinning rides but now I think I would either throw up or fear for my life. Haha. (This coming from someone who will ride every ride at Cedar point!)The carnival rides are usually the ones that'll get to you!

I love all the pics though!

By the way I love the credit card holder you got me & use it every day :) !!

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