Welcome Bosley!

Yesterday we finally went to the pound and found our dog. We have been talking about getting a dog for over a year now. We've looked a few times, but never found the right dog. Yesterday we did! He is a 4 year old beagle, neutered, very sweet, already trained, great on a leash and in the car. We named him Bosley. He actually picked us. We were looking at a few other dogs and Bosley started whimpering at us. He had been quiet all day, but when he saw us he started whining and barking. Once we got him out he wanted to play with Noah and got real buddy-buddy with us right away. When Josh left to the ATM we were walking around the store (the pound had adoptions taking place at a pet store). He saw Josh walk back in and got all excited.

We're planning on taking him with us to Ohio. He seems to be a great traveler and he is part of our family now so why not! He's very patient. Noah pulls on him and tries to ride him and he never shows any signs of aggression. He already is protective over us and stands guard in the backyard. He's good with other dogs and people (don't know about cats yet, but we can't get cats anyway). He never bites. He is very cautious about Tristan if he's crawling around. He's going to be a great family dog! We saved 2 lives yesterday :) What a great way to spend some stimulus money!


Jennifer said…
YAY congrats on the new member of your family. He looks like and sounds like he's going to be a great dog. There's something about rescues...they seem to know how lucky they are to find a home.
Britni said…
Congrats! Bosley is adorable!! Beagles are really great family dogs. I bet the boys are going to loooove having a dog of their own. Our girls both love Logan to pieces. Ember was just pulling up Logans lip yesterday & inspecting his teeth, it was pretty funny :) Logan was the same way at the pound. He really stood out to us. All the dogs were barking & he was just sitting there staring at us with these huge sad eyes. Mark & I knew we wanted him right away. We had actually gone in there looking for a female Boston terrier,haha.....we came out with a male shaggy Cairn terrier mix! He is the perfect fit for our family though & I bet Bosley will be for your guys too!

I love your picture wall in the background. Very cool!
Haley Elizabeth said…
Aww I love the last picture of Bosley and Tristain. He looks like a puppy there. Bosley is so cute. I love dogs! It's so rewarding to rescue a dog from somewhere especially the pound. We rescued Jersey from the SPCA. We love her so much :)

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