Bellies and Bathtime

OK so here's my 17wk belly picture. I noticed this time I bought a lot of pink and girly clothes. With Tristan I bought a lot of blues and greens. Not on purpose! I didn't notice until I got home. I just wanted pink, and I normally HATE pink. People who know me well know how much I usually despise pink. I'm wearing 2 shirts because I was heading out to see Josh play soccer and it was cold out.

Here are my boys during bathtime. I took a video, which I will not post online for all the world to see... cuz they're naked. But, I'll describe the cuteness :) Tristan will copy everything Noah does in the tub. Their favorite thing to do right now is kick their feet to splash around and make waves.


Britni said…
Awww, look at your belly! You look great and once again extremely in shape for a pregnant lady!

I love the last picture of Josh holding Tristan, so cute! I am sure they have lots of fun at bath time. I always end up soaked after bath time, but that means they had lots of fun! :) I can't believe you are almost 1/2 way done with your pregnancy already! I bet you are buying pink because you are sensing girl vibes from your belly! :D
Vita2sie said…
Are you hiding a volleyball. You look great. I love checking out your blog. The pictures are great. I'm trying to decide if I should put up decorations or not. I think I have the Pre-CHristmas blaas. I need a couple of rug rats running around to get me in the mood.
Amalia said…
Very cute! I like the preggie pics. I think its a girl, she is much lower than noah, that is for sure. I remember he was pretty high up. Can't say I really know with Tristan. So what will you name her? Amalia is a nice name. ;)~
Grandma Niemann said…
The pics of the boys in the bathtub are GREAT! They are so much like ones I took of the Josh & Logan at that age.

After getting caught up reading your blog notes, I want to make sure you know how much we appreciate you making the trip to Kansas for Christmas. I know this time of year can be stressful - but PLEASE do not fret about gifts. IT'S ALL ABOUT SPENDING TIME WITH THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE... AND WE LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Let me know what I can do to make this time easier for you!

Hugs and more hugs to you all.


Grandma Niemann
Haley Elizabeth said…
Yeah!! I love your belly picture. I was just thinking you hadn't posted one yet. You look so adorable. It's a great phase in pregnancy b/c your finally showing but not huge like me haha. Continue to post more :)

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