BIG Accomplishment!

Tristan brought his dish to the sink and threw some things away for me (that I actually asked him to toss haha). OK well it may not be that huge an accomplishment, but to me it is :D I will let them do chores ASAP hahaha. Now if I could only get him to stay on the floor while I'm changing him. The naked butt squeal and run is always entertaining, but it's not the easiest thing for me to get up and sit back down anymore. I will be taking and uploading some new belly pics this weekend. I promise! :)


Britni said…
Te whole run away with a bare butt thing but be a stage because Ember went thought the exact same thing when she was Tristan's age!! I am so relieved she is over that,haha. That's really good though that is is following instructions already! Good job Tristan!!

Can't wait for the belly pic! :)

How have you been feeling?

Oh by the way I don't know your Josh so I may be mistaken on the characteristics but I see a resemblance in him & the new Bachelor (on the tv show) I crazy? lol :)

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