Monday - Lunch, Art, and Ipads

Monday was our last day in Ohio so we spent it at home, just relaxing and spending time together.  Mom and I left for lunch out at Olive Garden with Pam and Michelle.  We had a great time chatting and laughing.  We knew we might not see each other again before I left, but we didn't do the big goodbye's.  It was nice.  I am not a fan of saying goodbye to family and Michelle and Pam are no exception... and sometimes it seems that's all I do is say goodbye.  Sigh.  Anyway... it was a fabulous lunch, delicious food and wonderful company :)

When I got home Mom introduced us to the Ipad for Angry Birds and Mahjongg and that's all she wrote.  I think we played those dang things all day long.  I took breaks to do laundry and pack, but the majority of my time was spent matching tiles, while Josh spent his day slingshotting perturbed birdies at green pigs.  Ahhhhh ain't technology grand?

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The kids got art lessons from Mom while we lazed around on couches.  They created their own masterpieces while Grandma worked on her portraits.  Brennan definitely was interested and Mom says he shows a lot of talent for a 2yr old.  Noah's also a little artist.  Tristan had fun, but he was more interested in the marbles Mom keeps on hand for curious grandkids.  It's the simple things :)

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At some point we ate.  At some point we slept.  At all times we were happy to be with family.


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