duh Army

Josh was supposed to leave for a field training exercise tomorrow morning, but they decided he had to leave NOW! When I say NOW I literally mean it. He had to fight with them to get 45 minutes to finish packing, grab some snacks, say bye to us, and actually eat something. What kind of morons can't plan far enough in advance to give people more than 5 minutes notice before they leave for a week. They do these FTX's allllllll the time!! You think by now they'd have some sort of system worked out. I can't wait until Josh gets out of the Army. Seriously... it's going to be so nice to not have to watch him be abused by idiots all the time. AND we'll actually make enough money to live, instead of simply survive. I am proud of his service (and mine). I just cannot stand being "defenders of freedom" who have none of their own. It's been long enough and we're ready to go back to the real world and enjoy those freedoms again. How nice it will be to drive where we want without asking permission from 5 people, only to have that permission revoked. How nice it will be to get paid overtime when he works more than 8 hours. How nice it will be to not have to fear Josh getting sent to war and not coming home to us the same... or even at all. How nice to not have to move every 2-4 years!! I'll miss some things, but mostly I will be glad he's out... I miss aspects of being in sometimes, bu I would never reenlist. The economy is bad right now, but we'll take our chances. Thanks for all you've done, Army. Bu-bye!!

He doesn't actually get out until 2011, but we are already excitedly planning for it!!


Nerdular said…
maybe they wanted to make sure that no one can vote =/
Haley Elizabeth said…
Allie, you have NO IDEA how much I feel your pain. I'm so tired of the Navy life. Dave and I are ready to get out NOW. After him being gone for a month in Sept and leaving like 5 days later for 2 weeks, and then now he leaves again on Friday (but of course has duty on Thurs) and then comes home for a mere 2 days and has duty 1 of them. Then goes out again for a week. I'm so fed up with this crap. He might of found a lope hole in his contract where he should be out now so he's going to work his darnest to get out in April. I'm so crossing my fingers. I'm so ready to be a NORMAL FAMILY. I don't know what it's like to see my husband more then 1 week at a time anymore or count on him being home at a certain time. I'm tired of the Navy running our life if we want to go home for something. I want to be home again. We starting looking for houses for the heck of it in the Niles area. We are so overly excited about this. If he doesn't get out April, he'll be out May 2010. We don't have much longer, but it seems forever when you put in 2 5 month deployments within that time. Then I'm sure more underways that are unnessacary. Ug! I'm so frustrated to. (Sorry this is so long, it struck a cord with me to :) )

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