Happy Belated 14mos, Tristan!

Tris turned 14 months old on the 13th. I realized it on the actual day, but I just didn't have anything to post. I haven't been taking pictures at all lately. I am not too sure why, but I have the urge again so expect to be bombarded with cuteness once more! He carries this blanket all over the house with him, but it's bigger than he is so he falls a lot. He tries to hold it up really high to avoid tripping, but it just doesn't work. We are treated to a daily display of veiled baby giggles, followed by some pretty impressive floor diving. He just refuses to give it up, though! He will go to his crib and fish it through the slats on the sides until he gets it all out. If it gets stuck he stays by the crib, one hand on his blanket and sucks his fingers. He will try to grab toys without letting go of it... I need to take a video.

Tris received his first buzz cut from Mommy the other day. Noah got his first buzz at 13 months, but his hair was so much thicker and darker than Tristan's so it got buzzed way shorter. I found the pic of Noah's first haircut and it made me cry. He was so tiny and chubby! It was kinda sad for me to cut Tristan's crazy hair, but it really needed done. Everyone was telling me what a pretty girl he was :/ Here are both of my babies after their first buzz cuts.

Other news... let's see here. I thought this was pretty funny the other day. I guess they all wanted to watch Spongebob with Noah hahaha.

I'm doing fine, feeling great. I still can't sleep but it's not the pregnancy. The neighbor's kid (not Caleb) screams from 1-1:30 and then usually again somewhere between 4 and 5 in the morning. I despise having such thin walls, especially since my body is programmed to respond to baby cries. Josh sleeps like a rock right through the fits usually. LUCKY! I have a Dr. appointment on the 20th. We're going to ask them to try and figure out the sex of the baby. I'll be 16wks so it should be possible. If not this month than next month for sure. Wish us luck! I'll be sure to update with any news.


Britni said…
I can't believe anyone would think Tris was a girl!! Crazy people! I love his hair though & can believe how tiny & cute Noah was! hehe :)
Nerdular said…
AHHHH!!! I am so excited to see you guys next week. :D And it just occurred to me that we're having Thanksgiving dinner ON BEN'S BIRTHDAY. HA!
Haley Elizabeth said…
haha I first looked the pictures and thought wow , Tristan looks so much like Noah, then realized it wasn't him haha. I'm losing it. I love their hair cuts! It's so funny doing something different. I can't wait to get haley's hair cut again, so we can start getting some thicker hair. I want her hair to thicken up so bad!

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