I get more excited about the release of kids movies than the kids do. I have a good reason... it's a different movie to get sick of!! Today WALL-E came out on DVD and we went right out to get it, budget be damned! Yesterday the boys were playing with the WALL-E robot that grandpa B. got Noah for his birthday. It sounds exactly like him, very cool. That's 2 great movie releases this month, including Kung Fu Panda. I love little kid movies. They are just pure and silly with cute little lessons and funny characters. The best part is watching the kids watch the movie, though. The digital short on WALL-E called Presto was cracking me up!! Kevin, you'd be giggling like a little girl for hours I swear... or maybe your head would a-splode ;) hehe I am pretty sure WALL-E played 3 times today.

So anyway... I took a few photos yesterday, trying to get back into snapping. It's definitely fun to do, but I wish we had a yard here so I could have more outside shots. I could take them to a park I guess. I probably should before it gets even colder. We're hitting highs in the 50's during the day here and it's only going to get chillier! It's nice to be in a state where the weather actually changes again. No offense, Texans. Of course this also means I am running out of warm clothes for Tristan to wear. We didn't have much for Noah at this age because it just wasn't cold in San Antonio. I might have to go on a little shopping spree for more winter clothes. He should be able to have a few outfits that aren't hand me downs after all :) Most of the winter clothes we have are from Aunt Michelle and Aunt Janine, everything their boys grew out of in the days of yore.

Noah is very much into dressing up lately. He will wear his costumes daily, sometimes combining two or 3 together. He dresses up like a carpenter, a skeleton, a lion, a pilot, or a doctor. Yesterday he said he was a Tool Bench Doctor. He had his tool belt on, and was carrying around his doctor bag. He spins in circles and then stops and tells me who he has just transformed into... and it's usually someone "super" or some kind of boy, sometimes both... like Super Doctor Boy!!! He has also been trying to prepare Tristan for his upcoming big brotherhood. I don't think Tristan gets it, but Noah tells him all the time that he's going to be a big brother too, just like me!! just like Noah!


Britni said…
Such cute pics. Tristan is looking like such a big boy all of a sudden...which is hard for you to hear I'm sure! That is so nice that Noah will be at an age to really help you out with the new baby. I am sooo excited to find out the sex!!! Nov. 22nd right?? :D
Anonymous said…
Hehehe... Jr was waiting for me to come home because he wanted the movie WALL-E. He came home and sat on his chair and got mad at his dad if he interrupted. Take some pictures of your belly!
Haley Elizabeth said…
Noah's imagination cracks me up! I swear that boy is going to become a writer or something. He just seems like so much fun!!

Haley wants Wall-E to and Kung Fu Panda. I can't wait to see them. We took Haley to Kung Fu panda in the movies but we haven't see Wall-e yet. Yes, I agree, more movies to get sick of haha. I don't know how many times we have seen Ariel Beginnings. I think at least 300 already we just got a month ago!
Babs Haake said…
OMGosh....that Tristan is so adorable in the closeup with the airplane in his mouth!!He needs his grandma to squeeze his little cheeks!
Amalia said…
I know what you are saying about the movies. Today we watched space chimps. He like it. i didnt really watch it. Matthew is all about Calliou right now. He cheers when it comes on. He even sings along with the theme song.
Michelle said…
Ohhhh that lion outfit of Tristan's was one of my all time favorites. I loved when jake wore it because it was so "snuggly" and cute. LOL
I bought Micah "Kung Fu Panda" for Christmas...with a DVD player for his room. He keeps bugging me that he wants to see it, so I figured I might as well buy it!

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