
I've been trying to destress over here. I was ordered by Joshua that the only things I am allowed to worry about are myself, the baby, Noah and our health. No house issues, no moving, no leave, no painting, bugs, termites, lawn, cleaning, selling... all the other crap. He wasn't too pleased that I was asked to go back for another baby appointment 2 weeks earlier than normal. I honestly believe that doctor was just overcautious. She thought Noah was going to choke on a plastic glove he was trying to blow up like a balloon. It would take a tremendous amount of effort for him to be able to choke on something that large. Anyway... here's my tribute to "Pregnant Life Without Josh: what I have to forget about". For now the out of control lawn and the paint cans all over the place will serve as toys.

Today I had one of my prenatal massages and I think the best part was talking to someone new. My shoulders are KILLING me. I apparently was extremely tense (DUH). She was married to an Army guy too so I didn't even have to spare her the acronyms and military-speak. It was relaxing. I can't wait to go again.

As I creep closer to my due date (which is September 2nd in my head) I am getting more and more excited. As soon as I stopped worrying about all the house stuff I immediately started worrying about everything "baby". There is so much that goes through a mother's mind, but it's compounded when you already have one child to worry about as well. The transition for poor Noah has been the biggest worry of mine. He will have to adapt to a Dad and a new baby and a new house all at once. There's no way to prepare him for this event. He doesn't understand what I mean when I say "Daddy's coming home soon" or "you're going to be a big brother soon" or "we're moving to Arizona". I've told him Daddy was coming home so many times and then it lasts for a couple weeks and is over. This won't be any different, really... not until we move. Poor poor Noah. I just hope our constant traveling, but permanence of routine, has given him the tools to adapt. He was fine in Ohio for 2 months. He was fine in Germany for a month. Hopefully, he'll be fine in Arizona. Maybe we should bring at least his bed. Hmm. All I can do is wait for everything to play out like it's supposed to. God only knows what is in store for us over the next couple of months. I know I have a lot of support from both our families and friends, though. I think we'll be just fine.


Anonymous said…
I defintely agree with your husband just let things unfold. Don't stress out about every single thing. It's defintely not good for the baby, yourself and Noah. He picks up on that stuff to. I know Haley does. As for moving, it will effect him, but I know he'll bounce right back. It might be struggle maybe sleeping wise for a week or so, but he'll be fine. He'll think it's cool to play somewhere different and have a new room etc. We went back and forth from Ohio to Va so many times with Haley and she adapted. Her sleeping was the thing that threw her off. We would travel 1 month to Ohio and 1 month in Va and then she was in Ohio for 6 months, then back in Va in a new house, then came back to Ohio for 10 days, then Va for a month, the Ohio for a week, now we are back in VA for months I hope at least. It gets to them, but then they also get use to it at the same time. Okay, this is long..I just had to comment b/c I know what you are going through with the move.
Allison said…
Hey Katie,

Thanks! Noah's sleeping was affected a bit for the trips we took too. Especially Germany! He adapted really well and really fast, though. I'm hoping he will just be excited to be someplace new. He seems to be a change-loving baby.
Anonymous said…
It is normal to be anxious about the new baby and your little toddler even in a normal situation which your life is not. So don't be too hard on yourself for worrying. I dreamt that my little Mark was going to die because I was going to have another baby. It was so scary and when I came home from the hospital with my new baby, my little Mark looked so old and he wouldn't even look at me or the baby. He acted like I was a stranger to him. Who knows what goes through their little minds. All we can do is love them and smile a lot. He finally warmed up to us both. Children actually adapt better than grownups do.((hugs))

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