Potty Training?

So Noah has good days and bad days. Today was a good day. He wanted to pee on the potty all day... and he did! Not only that but after his bath he also pooped on the potty :O His willingness to do so can be explained as such: Noah likes method and step-by-step processes. He will only do potty training if he can go on the potty chair, get up, and empty the pot into the toilet by himself. This can get messy. He likes doing it so much that he doesn't give himself time to finish before he jumps off and empties the bowl.

Today he was so excited he slid off the pot, leaving some nice streakage behind, dumped, flushed. Then he sat back down and went a little more... more nastiness. Some fell on the floor. Some got on his hands. It's difficult to reward and applaud while wiping nasty poo off of everything. I told him "You have to sit still until you're done or you get yucky poop all over, see?" followed by "but I'm so proud of you for using the potty!! :D :D ". He just kept screaming "I Did it! I pooped!". I don't mind the mess. I doubt this will last too long and I really want him out of diapers before the new baby arrives. I read him an extra book before bed as a reward. I kept telling him how excited I was about tomorrow to see how he can be mommy's big boy and keep going on the potty. He seemed to agree. We'll see. I'm trying to convince him it's easier to just go on the toilet instead of the potty chair. He isn't completely opposed! ::crosses fingers:: At least he's very good about washing his hands with antibacterial soap really well afterwards.

Tomorrow if he seems serious enough I will just put him into underwear and see how he does. He loves underwear, but he pees in it all the time without even thinking twice or trying not to. Then he sits on the couch or the rug or... whatever other thing you can think of that requires more than a paper towel to clean. Underwear days are best done in just underwear, maybe a shirt. Why waste 5 pairs of shorts too, you know?


Britni said…
You are so close to being DONE potty training!!!Way to go Noah!Yesterday we were so busy I didn't make too much effort to get Ava to the potty any time...(just once)I know it sounds bad,but I was sooo tired.Ember is JUST now starting to sleep 4-5 hour stretches at night.I am usually so
tired throughout the day...I am one of those weirdos that need a good 9-10 hours of sleep to function :)
Anyway I expect Ava to be closer to being potty trained in about a year...I think that's reasonable.You always hear of those magical babies that are "potty trained" by 20 months and you have to wonder how much Mommy still does for them.Does it really count if they are being sat on the potty every 1/2 hour,haha.I am tired of potty training already....lol.
Ava gets that she can pee in the potty & she gets that she is excited about it...she is even good at telling me when she needs to go...but if she's playing & is really into it then she will forget...that's where the age factor comes in I think...sorry this got so long!
I can't believe you're 8 months already either!Strangely enough I miss the whole labor process.It is just so much fun in my opinion.It always amazes me what our bodies can do!I am just thankful my children have had rather small heads,haha.I can't wait to hear your labor story :)bye for now!
Allison said…
I hardly make any effort to take Noah to the potty. His personality is too... independent, I guess. It has to be his idea. I just keep secretly implanting the greatness of the idea into his head haha. Today he went on his own. Pooped and peed. He even picked his own clothes out an got dressed! Maybe I AM almost done! :D

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