Red Stripes

I unknowingly dressed all 3 boys in shirts with red stripes yesterday haha. They looked so good with the green grass backdrop, though! I had yet another person tell me Brennan is the happiest baby they've ever seen. He really is! I've never had such an easy, content baby before. Not just content, but happy... he's constantly smiling as big as he possibly can. He locks eye contact with people and gives his big full-body smile and it makes anyone melt. I just love my little Brennan :)

We FINALLY have a concrete date for Bosley's arrival. He will be here on Sunday!! Just in time before Josh leaves for a month. This should be fun. Bosley requires a daily walk and I will have 3 kids and no sidewalk...hmmmm. Good thing I have my off-roading jogging stroller and a baby carrier! I am quite annoyed that Josh will be gone for a month. I'm nervous about it, in fact. I've been spoiled already with having him here every day to help with dinner and bedtime. Those are the craziest times of day. I'll do it alone. I'll be fine. Don't really have a choice in the matter and neither does Josh. I will hopefully be too busy enjoying October to realize how much I miss my baby. I'm in for some cold, lonely nights. Although where he's going it's going to be MUCH colder haha. Poor Josh. Maybe by time he gets back I will be all toned up from my daily wii fit workouts and walks. Goodbye baby belly and other various flabby areas!!


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