Anonymous Comments

To me an anonymous comment must be approached with the same etiquette as interrupting someone elses conversation. If you wouldn't butt in and say what you comment, don't post it. Anonymous commenters are just intruding strangers. When I blog I am talking to friends... other people are around and can hear, but it's not your business if I'm not talking to you. I don't mind accepting newcomers, but rude people really piss me off. You can become part of the conversation or rudely interrupt it and offend the people talking. If you want to be part of the conversation ease yourself into it and realize you have to be accepted by those already involved. Imagine sitting at a coffee shop, discussing a book with someone and a random guy interrupts you to correct something you said and then walks away. How does it make you feel? It won't happen again. The internet is a contributing cause for a lot of our lost manners I think. Just a reminder, we're all still real people. Just because you don't have to look someone in the eye does not mean you have the right to be rude. Remember etiquette is required in any social situation, which includes someone's personal blog. I have since turned off anonymous comments and deleted the post this came from. It just angered me too much. That finishes my rant.


Pam said…
You are so right, Allie. I didn't catch the post or comment you are referring to, but I feel the same way you do about people's blogs. Heck, even if I post a comment using my blog identity, I sometimes feel like I'm intruding if I don't really know the person. Excellent point about manners and how the anonymity of the internet seems to make some folks feel like it's ok to be rude. One of those flamethrowing sandwiches would come in handy right about now, huh?? ;-)
Allison said…
I know what you mean... there have been times I didn't comment on something personal even though I know the person. I just didn't feel I knew them well enough.

LOL if those sandwiches actually worked I would carry one around with me for rudeness situations. I am picturing all these cars on the highway, flames blasting through the windows.

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