I forgot a few things

I feel like I've posted too much today, but oh well! I forgot to mention that I have already gained 10 pounds :P I told the doctor my stomach popped out really fast this time and she made the comment that maybe I'm having twins. She would be the 4th person who has wished twins upon me. Could I handle twins? Of course... do I want to? Not particularly. Maybe if I knew for sure Josh would be home for the first year. I also didn't post any cuteness yet today!! :O

Noah and I had some fun outside after naptime. The weather has finally cleared up and the sun already dried a lot of the puddles. We found a huge grasshopper and I trapped it in a vase so Noah could get a real close look. He was a little too scared to not have that glass between them.

We also played with the water tub for a couple hours. Noah was throwing big rocks into it to entertain me... and make splashes for himself.


Britni said…
oh my twins would be alot to handle....of course it would be fun after the whole newborn stage,but I think I thought I was having twins for a while there too,until I had my ultra sound then I was relieved.Having a 1 & 1/2 year old & a new born is enough excitement for me! :) With your second you pop out fast & everything knows just where to go.You might notice other things later on too like you might feel waaaay further along than you really are,haha....ummm,like me.I swear I feel over due allready :)I have really enjoyed this pregnancy though & I hope you are able to enjoy yours too.It goes by so fast.

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