Baby Appointment

I guess there's something about babies that just makes everything a little more bearable. I usually stress out really badly when I go to the hospital, but this time I wasn't stressed... and I even had to bring Noah. He was great. I stuck headphones on him, buckled him into his stroller, and started the Lion King so I could have my exam in peace. He barely made a peep. I got some asthma medication YAY!!! We still didn't listen for the baby's heartbeat and I didn't even realize it until we were leaving the hospital. We were there from 0850 - 1050. I had to pee in a cup, with Noah. I had to have blood drawn, with Noah. I popped an intern's blood-drawing cherry. He was so nervous so I'm glad he came to me because I calmed him down. He actually did a great job, only poked one time, didn't hurt me at all... probably because he was so concerned about messing up. I got to hang out at the pharmacy with Noah too. He was such a well-behaved angel. I decided since he was so good I could sugar him up with some peanut butter cookies on the way out. He was very grateful.

My next appointment is on April 4th so guess who gets to join me!! JOSH! :D This way we'll hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time together. I won't have to get anything "invasive" done so Noah can come too. I also am supposed to get a call to make our first sonogram appointment. I would love for Josh to be present for it, but by time he's here I'll be 16wks and it will almost be time for the 20wk sonogram. Maybe March 30th can happen. We shall see. Well time to call Joshua. Poor baby is still at work. They've been really busy because the base is closing down so everything has to be turned in and accounted for and cleaned up.


Britni said…
It sounds like your appt. went well!Noah did great!Ava has ben the same way all week.So well behaved!That will be fun to ear the heart beat together for the first time!I was impatient & rented a hear doppler,so I heard it way before my Dr. did :)

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