The Weekend

The Spring Cleaning/Nesting bug definitely hit me this weekend. I spent all day Saturday cleaning house. I believe it all started with a cup of coffee and an unexpected phonecall from my mom. Usually calls from mom put me in a cheerful mood and this time I was especially happy after hanging up. She said so many nice things :) ... it just motivated the crap out of me! I ground up some beans and started a little pot of coffee, something I haven't done in at least 3 months. I started chugging down a cup as I swept and mopped my huge tile floor. Right after that I jumped right into cleaning the garage. That's right, people... I cleaned my dang garage! Well, Noah helped a lot. He swept the floor with a bike helmet on. He loves all kinds of headgear. Then the rest of the time he was kind enough to play in the crapped out car we have in the garage. I tried jumping it on Saturday, but it's been sitting so long there's no hope for it. We're going to have to buy a new battery. Anyway...

I came back in for some much needed food and then put Noah down for a nap. During his naptime I changed my sheets and vacuumed. I didn't dust yet. I am saving dusting for a less humid day so I won't die. I started laundry and went back outside to trim more trees and weeds out in the front yard. After naptime was over Noah helped me put the bassinet back together. We set it up in the guest room for now. I look at it every day. Noah always tells me "babies in there". I correct him and say "baby, just one". Maybe he knows something I don't.

Aunt Vita came over later on to work on Spanish with me. She was kind enough to bring pizza. It was delectable. That was my crazy busy Saturday. I was so hyper still at the end of the day that I had to do leg exercises during commercial breaks of SNL so that my legs would stop jumping and cramping. I finally fell asleep and stayed asleep.

Today Noah got up at 7:30 and we were off to the grocery store by 9:00. Perfect timing because we missed the after church crowds. He was such a good boy I bought him this little polka dot duckie that was on sale and a slammin' Lightning McQueen that says a few phrases when you hit him. He loved the duck so much he wanted to take a bath right when we got home. We compromised and I let him play with bubbles in the sink in just his diaper.

The rest of today I kind of spent organizing randomness in my house. I finally hung up pictures that have been framed and sitting for months and months collecting dust. I am also finally filling frames that I bought almost 2 years ago. I've been browsing through my pictures, trying to decide which Germany shots I am going to turn into 8x10's. So many choices! Josh will be home in a mere 4 days :D What else can I clean to make time fly... hmmm.


Britni said…
Oh my gosh,I wish I had that much energy right comes in spurts for me so if I have ANY energy I have to run around (waddle around I should say)and get things done.Then I collapse & rest for as long as Ava will let me...which is not too long,haha.I love the bassinet,its so cute.Ava slept in a mini pack n play next to our bed for 4-5 months ,so I'm planning on using it for Ember too.I loved being able to reach over & check on her throughout the night.I still check on Ava throughout the night.It's a combination of wanting to make sure she's allright & just getting to see her sleep peacefully.She is just so cute while she sleeps....I wonder if others do that,hmm :)
Allison said…
I think reading your blog helped motivate me too. I know I will eventually have to waddle and not have any energy. I feel like I have to get everything done now.

I still check in on Noah. It's not as easy because he's so high up in the bunk bed, but I can at least hear him breathing. I have an 8x10 in his room of him sleeping, looking all cute :) It's good motivation for sleep haha.
Pam said…
'Tis the season - I got the cleaning bug yesterday too and I'm not even pregnant! Next time I'm wearing a helmet. You'll know why next time you stop by.

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