In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb

I think March is my favorite month. It's full of surprises and excitement. It seems like no matter where you live, March will bring some kind of unpredictability. We get thunderstorms, heat waves, random snow flurries, hurricane winds, tropical storms, tornadoes, blizzards... why it just doesn't make sense!! This week is going to be perfect weather, upper 60's - lower 70's for the next few days, partly cloudy and windy. It's perfect kite-flying weather! Noah has flown a kite before, but I bet this time he would really enjoy holding the string and watching it flap all around. He's a lot older now and can stay focused longer.

Thus far my allergies have been driving me crazy (like that's anything new). However, it seems as though my new steroid inhaler is keeping my asthma under control. YAY! :D I haven't had to use my emergency Albuterol yet. I am supposed to take 2 puffs a day of the steroid one, but I have yet to remember the 2nd puff. Also, I know the steroids are probably not getting to the baby in huge quantities, but it still makes me a bit nervous. Then again all it would probably do is beef up her lungs (her... hmm, I think all these people telling me we're going to have a girl is starting to get to me).

Josh has been pushing to find out the gender of the baby. I told him if he's here for the sonogram we'll find out. That's not going to happen so guess what! ;) I know he'll be fine with finding out on the actual day... he's just impatient and wants to know what name to call da bebe. We've picked out Katarina Michelle (Kat, Katie, Kate) and Conner Benjamin. We love our girl's name, but I don't think our boy's name is set in stone yet. We'll see once the baby starts kicking around and showing some personality. We had Noah Michael picked out from the get-go and were settled on it right away. We knew we were going to have a boy. We both think we're going to have a boy this time too, but only time will tell. A huge reason why I want to wait is because Josh missed almost every surprise and developmental milestone in Noah's life. I want this next one to start with both of us. I want to share every little happy surprise and exciting development. I am a sharer.

Last night I was up until 1:30. I just didn't feel tired! That and some hilarious episodes of Will and Grace and King of Queens were on. I LOVE Will & Grace. It's on all the time and I'm sure I will eventually get sick of it, but until that time comes I will keep on laughing my butt off at all the reruns that are brand new to me. There is also one commercial that cracks me up every time I see it. It's the Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich commercial where everyone has to inhale while they talk or flames will shoot out of their mouths and, inevitably, someone exhales and they all scream flames. Quite funny. Does it make me want a Wendy's chicken sammich? No... but I loved the first one too where the guy caught his cubicle on fire. Wendy's started in Ohio, you know :)

I'm sure I will babble more today. Less than 2 weeks to go until Josh gets here!! :D


Pam said…
I LOVE those spicy chicken sandwich ads too, Allie -- even loved the first one you described where the guy starts his cubicle on fire. I can see those ads 20 times a day and I laugh out loud every time. It's that one guy, the original guy, when he screams fire. I am so simple...

Enjoyed your other posts too and all the pics -- fun for Noah to see the planes - I mean ant hills and rabbits! And what a park you found!!

I wish you had more help... it's hard. You summed it up so well. I hope you don't feel bad for feeling what you do. It's understandable and normal. Not that my saying that helps... but I understand.

P.S. Don't forget that 2nd steroid inhaler puff - that stuff is amazing! Up until I got super sick last fall, that stuff kept my asthma in check better than anything before.
Allison said…
I guess I'm simple too because as soon as I read "It's that one guy, the original guy, when he screams fire." I started laughing out loud. I was looking for them on YouTube, but they're not up yet :( woe is me.

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I think if more moms talked about their impatient moments it might help reduce child abuse. I feel better when I know others feel the same, makes me feel less crazy. I'm going to be such a better mom when Josh is finally home.

I'll try to remember the 2nd puff of my inhaler. I know it will help. Thanks for the reminder because I hadn't even take one yet today :P
Allison said…
oh and it was on again... it's the DQ flame thrower and youtube has them!

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