Happy Spring!

Spring officially hath sprung. I didn't realize it until just now when I looked at the calendar, but maybe my body did because I was a cleaning fool all day. For the first time in my life I mowed a lawn... the entire lawn. I love my new inhalers. I was able to breathe just fine and even went further and trimmed a bunch of overhang from our trees in the front and back yards. I used to get shortness of breath from just walking past someone who was mowing.

I also did some laundry and dishes, of course... all day long. I hate dishes. Tomorrow I guess I can do the inside spring cleaning crap :P So cometh the brush pickup and garage sales. Oh and I killed 2 large disgusting roaches in my garage with my trusty spray bleach without squealing like a girl! Another reason to dislike San Antonio: everything really is bigger in Texas.

I am going to sprawl out on the couch with Emma (my friend's dog) and get ready to watch LOST :) Happy spring, y'all!


Britni said…
Man I wish my dumb inhalers worked!Even with taking my steroid inhaler 2x's twice a day I still have to do my albuterol daily and an occational breathing treatment...ugh....Pregnancy makes my asthma so bad for some reason!I am a cleaning fool lately too,maybe your nesting allready!! :)

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