So Much to Say

OK I guess I'll start with the Ohio trip. I had a great time, as usual... I love to see my family! I didn't think 2 weeks could be so short. I unfortunately didn't get to see my friend out there... our schedules just didn't want to cooperate. Anyway, I got to see most of my family and, of course... SNOOOOOW :)

Ben in one of my dad's Cosby sweaters hahahaha. Love it!

I had a couple dates with my mom, just she and I. She spoiled me and bought me new maternity pants :) We found these sweet picture frame clocks that we decided we'll place on our bathroom walls. That way the boys can keep track of how long they've actually been in there ;) We picked out 2 pictures already... only 10 to go. We are using all baby pictures that take place in the bathroom. We didn't really get the chance to search through the tubs and tubs of pictures, but we will eventually. Mom's my crafty accomplis... she and my sister Michelle. We are all artsy and creative, but we sometimes lack the ability to finish our projects.

I spent a lot of time with Michelle and her family and Pam and her family, mostly the moms and 3yr olds. Everyone else has games and school and jobs. We all went to the Children's Museum, which was a lot of fun. Alex (Michelle's oldest) came over from college and the 12yr old boys, Eric and Micah joined us as well. There were crafts. There was a green screen to practice weather-forecasting skillz. There was a section on the human body. There was a newscaster TV area. Also a music and reading area. There were other things too, but they're not pictured so who cares! It kept us all busy for a few hours.

We also went to Kraynak's, which is a huge toy store (and flowers... don't know why). They decorate every year for Christmas and Easter. The Easter display is lovingly referred to as "Easter Bunny Lane". It was a good one this year, but no bunny at the end. I guess he was off that day. Toy stores are great fun because the children can run free and all you have to do is slowly follow them and make sure nothing gets broken. We even had a little fun with the toys ourselves.

The flight back was enough to make me realize I will not be flying until after the baby is born. We arrived at Pittsburgh and had our first flight delayed due to a power outtage which knocked out the radar. I guess I should be thankful we were in the airport instead of circling the air in a plane, waiting to land. We walked right onto our connecting flight, which was an hour later than our previous flight had been. Then brilliant San Antonio decided to close some heavy traffic exit lanes on a SATURDAY NIGHT and merge the mall and airport exits to one lane, which made my poor ride stuck in traffic for an hour and 15 minutes. The airport is only 15 minutes from my house, if that. So we waited patiently on the curb. When all was said and done we finally got home at around 10pm. I think I got Noah into bed by like 11:30 or so.

Sunday was a day of destressing. My way of destressing is crying. So I cried... a lot. I cried about Josh. I cried about my friend Rachel's husband being deployed and their baby grabbing a picture of her daddy. I cried over the video I posted for at least 15 minutes. I fought with Josh over nothing until I cried. I cried because I had to cry. I finally got everything out of my system and took a nap. Never again. I just can't do it anymore. I can't carry Noah or rush or deal with the stress of the whole traveling alone with a baby while pregnant ordeal. At one point, when I was dizzy and my muscles hurt I thought I had killed the baby. What was I supposed to do? I walked slower to make our flight and kept encouraging Noah to walk, dragging his little Nemo luggage. That luggage made everything so much easier. The smiles were uplifting and Noah wanted to walk so he could pull it along. Thanks Grandma!! We've come a long way from our very first plane trip to Ohio... Noah was 2 and a half months old. We went to Kraynak's then too, but to "Christmas Tree Lane" that visit.

Today I feel better. I'm still depressed because though I was surrounded by loving family for 2 weeks and tons of support, I still just wanted Josh. Our remedy was to charge another plane ticket. I just paid a huge chunk on that credit card and now we're taking a big bite out again. Do I care? No. Josh is coming home for our anniversary and will be here for 9 days to help me and hold me and I am ecstatic. He's the only one I want right now. He's been suffering too. He wants to rub my little baby gut and help me not be so stressed. We think it's worth the money to get some much needed relief. This will be the first time we'll have a visit where neither one of us has to work at all. We can do whatever we want, whenever we want... as long as it doesn't interfere with naptime hahaha. Then I will only have to be strong and alone until my sister's graduation, when my parents come to stay for a few days. After that Josh should be back in the states. It will all be over soon. I kept telling myself that... that I only had a few more months, but dammit I just can't take it anymore. I need my man and he needs me. So, that's my update.


Pam said…
I don't even know you, Allie, but I want you to know how often I think about you and Josh and about how hard this time must be for you. I cannot fathom it. It is such a stressful time to be pregnant and chasing a toddler around, and to deal with it every day without the physical presence of your husband because he is away being a soldier must be torture. So anyway, for what it's worth, this mother of grown kids is thinking of you and feeling sad for you and hopeful for you and just wishing right along with you for the end of the apart-ness and an eternity of togetherness. In the meantime, soak up all the love from your mom when she comes to Texas. Yay for that!
Allison said…
Thank you very much, Pam. I really appreciate the warm fuzzies :) I will definitely share in the happiness when it's all over. I have to keep reminding myself that we KNEW we would most likely be apart the entire pregnancy, but we wanted another baby too badly. This baby will definitely be worth it all... including the flight to Germany and back just me and Noah :P Our luck has to change sometime! Thanks again for thinking of us :)
Britni said…
I am completely sure it is insane being pregnant with a toddler & have your husband be away.I have a hard time as it is,I just can't imagine!I do feel your pain on the whole traveling things.I do not think I will be making anymore trips without Mark during this pregnancy.It is just too hard.Ava still needs to be carried a lot since she'll only walk so far and lifting bads & luggage is just too much on my back!Just try to relax now that your back.I'm glad you guys had a nice visit.I am always very emotional when I'm pregant...its very normal and if you can realize when its the hormones,you wont feel quite so over draumatic & crazy....hehe.I hope you start feeling a little less stressed soon,it will be good for you to take it easy!
Britni said…
I know I would have a melt down two if I didn't have Mark with me to help me through this pregnancy.Hang in there you will have a beautiful baby at the end of this and nothing else will matter :)
Nerdular said…
I wish I could be around more!!! :( But at least I'm not far, right? *sigh* I'm so glad Josh gets to come home. Whatever $ you spent on the ticket is nothing -- it's only money -- and you should never, ever feel guilty about spending it. Him being there will be everything!

Its not far away at all! I will hope every day that he gets to come home soon.

♥ ♥ ♥

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