3 Days and Counting

I'm already sick of Josh being gone. I thought I was done with this "going it alone" shit. I guess I should have known better. Things don't really change all that much when he's not here. Just a few little things... like not gettin' any! (hahaha sorry).

Noah put his flight suit on yesterday and said "I'm going to school to find Daddy. He's lost. He's all alone. I go find him". Then he hopped on his trike and rode around the yard, came back and told me "I'm so so sad, really really sad" I asked him why and he replied "can't find him. I lost Daddy". It sucks. Every night when I tuck him in he tells me "Daddy coming home soon! He's at school" and I say "yep" but really he's not. We've got a long way to go.


Jennifer said…
Time flies by so quickly Josh will be back before you know it! Just think of how quickly it's been since you guys left San Antonio. It feels like yesterday, but it's been like four months! Keep your chin up!
Britni said…
Ugh, I know the time must just drag while he's gone. I know I feel that way when Mark is gone for just a day or two....so month would be hard. I am sure it's confusing for the boys too.

Just keep getting outside with them and have fun things planned to stay busy. He will be back before you know it & you will have a new appreciation for each other all over again. Whether you needed it or not. Sometime a few days apart can make you realize how much you like having the other person around,lol.

As for getting any...I am surprised you have any drive at all with all the nursing you're doing! lol
Amalia said…
I know the time will go by pretty quickly, but it still sucks none the less. I feel ya.
Amalia said…
This is completely unrelated, but have you seen the blog "cupcakes take the cake?" Its really yummy and could be fun. I am going to use the recipes for my bday parties coming up. :)Totally unrelated, I know. But I wanted to tell ya.

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