Video Time

I uploaded a few new videos to the scrapbook site. They upload a whole lot faster and you can edit the length so I prefer to use that site. You sacrifice some of the quality, but I'm lazy so it's worth it to me ;)

Tristan Getting Into Trouble
Noah as the Sleeping Bag Monster
Noah and Josh Coloring Easter Eggs

Josh left yesterday morning. I spent the night scrapbooking, watching what I want on TV, and not having to deal with getting elbowed or snoring. I still miss him, but I like to think of positives ;) haha. Today we're heading out to the Phinizy Swamp again with Heather and Caleb. They've never been so it should be fun. Heather is like me and loves being outside. One of these days we're going to let the men watch the babies and go hiking in the woods. MMmMmmMmmmm woods... just a backpack, a water bottle, some granola bars, a utility knife, and a camera. OK maybe my binoculars and bird books too. I miss hiking on the trails at Nelson's Ledges and Mill Creek Park. I'm so glad I was raised to love the outdoors!


Britni said…
You know if I leaved near you I'd go hiking with you too! :)

I hope this month flies by for you and that you have a really fun time with the boys.

My internet connection isn't cooperating with the videos but I'll try back later!
Britni said…
Tristan is so strong and such a happy baby! Ava does the same things to Ember :) I love that Noah wears footie pj's. Ava does too. She requests them actually :)

If our kids got together Ember would love Tristan and chase after him attacking him with kisses & Ava would run around playing hide & seek with Noah :)Oh, they would have so much fun!

Those were cute videos, thanks for sharing!
Jen said…
How old is Tristan? I'm a little jealous, Paige doesn't even care to crawl yet. She is just gets on her knees and scoots. Although she does pull herself up on things. Very cute though!
Lilly does the same thing if I'm recording just Paige. Somehow the little video i get of Just Paige has to include some Lilly, somehow!!!

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