Noah's Bike

Noah got a bike for Christmas. It was CJ's old bike and therefore, he refused to ride it for the longest time. He just kept protesting "NO! IT'S CJ'S BICLE!!". Finally we got him to agree to try it out. He was very excited. He made a huge deal about the flames painted all over it exclaiming "it's my fire bicle, lotta lotta fire". We tried without training wheels, but the concept of balance is completely lost on Noah still so Josh put the training wheels on for him. He did really well so the next day we went on a long walk/bike-ride. I finally got to walk at a decent fat-burning speed!! :D I made him walk his bike across a few streets because he isn't very controlled yet. Noah also has a tendency to watch his front wheel instead of the sidewalk... or he'll talk to everyone who happens to be outside and not pay any attention to where he's going.

He's been extremely social lately. We went to Kohl's this one day and he had grandparents getting other grandparents to come experience "the Noah". He just chats everyone up. Everyone we pass "HI! we're at the store! Daddy's getting shirts. We waiting for Mommy". It's quite funny :) I like that he talks to people. I think if everyone were more like Noah there would be a whole lot less crime and violence.


Britni said…
Ava was very impressed with that video as well! Haha :) He looks so cute riding along! I can't wait for Ava to try her tricycle this summer. She has a Radio Flier that she got when she was will finally be the perfect size for her :)
Haley Elizabeth said…
Aww, his first bike!! That is so great. I loved riding my bike as a kid. I still remember wiping out a few times in the grass and in the cald a sac before I learned to ride well (without training wheels). I love that he has a fun personality! Haley talks all the time morning, noon, night it seems. SHe isn't as social when it comes to strangers, but with someone she knows it's non stop. First thing I hear in the morning is her talking to her animals or herself.
Babs Haake said…
I had no idea it was a windy day till I turned on the volume. You can't tell without trees or bushes moving.
I bet the weather is beautiful there. It snowed 7 inches today in Ohio. UGH!!!! I am so sick of snow.

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