Boys Are Horrible

I don't know how my mom did daycare because I really can't stand other peoples' kids. Especially the military kids around here. It's like none of the parents understand that discipline is important or respect for adults. OK... before I go off on a tangent let me tell my story.

Noah and I were walking to the mailbox and I see this huddle of kids. Young kids, no one over 7 I'm sure. There in the middle were these 2 little boys, maybe 5 years old. One was on top of the other one and was punching him as hard as he could. Then he unclenched his tiny fists and started choking the poor kid's neck, making sure to shake his head in the process. Then he went back to punching, this time with both fists. He would raise his arms up as high as they would go and bring down both fists as hard as possible right onto the other boy's face, head and neck. So... HELL YES I SAID SOMETHING! I screamed (yes I mean screamed) HEY!! HEY!! HEY!! STOP THAT!! STOP IT RIGHT NOW! And the kid didn't even look up until I started screaming STOP. I said "You do NOT choke people and punch people!". Then the strangest thing happened. The boy that was getting beat said "He's my brother!!" and gave me this scowl like he was going to come after me. I responded "I understand he's your brother but that doesn't mean he can choke you and punch you" (they were twins). Then I continued walking, and they continued fighting. They were looking right at me and yelling and beating each other as if to say you can't tell me what to do. If I had been in charge of these mongrels there would be some long discussions and a whole lot of "yes ma'am" going on at that point.

So I am still angry. I'm angry those boys are allowed to be that violent, especially to each other. Wrestling is one thing, flagrant beating is another. I'm angry they had no respect for me. The woman who was looking after them was sitting in the front yard and couldn't see what was going on. She had about 15 kids there. I guess she watches everyone else's kids after school for a bit. I was stupid and avoided confrontation, didn't say a word to her about the incident. They are probably those brats with a TV in their room, Playstation with every violent video game you can imagine, already have watched rated R movies (but only the ones for violence, not for sex... because apparently sex is more detrimental to a child's psyche). Those kids with parents who refuse to change what they do just because their kids are around. I HATE those parents because my poor kids have to deal with their evil spawn on a day-to-day basis.

My poor Noah is going to get the ever loving crap kicked out of him every single day once he starts school. Boys have the capacity to be such horrendous creatures.


Britni said…
That is so awful!
I use to nanny 3 little boys during my summers and I know what they are capable of. One time I was suppose to drive the oldest of the 3 to his tutors house & when I got back the middle child had tied up the youngest with rope & was beating the daylight out of him.

I agree with you. People need to get control of their kids. No matter how "cute " they are you are being a better parent by setting down firm rules and teaching them respect. I think you have to be even tougher with boys in that aspect because otherwise they will turn into those little hellions that you encountered today.

I am careful who my kids have play dates with. Even though my girls are young, kids learn a lot from each other. Even just two short hours of play with a kid who is allowed to do whatever they please can have a huge effect on your child for days. That is why it's so nice when you find those few people who parent in a similar way then you do. Then there are no worries!

Oh and by the way those boys I took care of...I caught them watching a rated R movie one time and it was awful. The boys were 13,7 & 5 at the time. I was horrified & had a talk with their Mother as soon as she got home and she was actually upset at me for not letting them watch it!! Needless to say I have found the boys on My Space now and they have skanky naked girls posted all over their pages & cuss every other word.....I bet Mommy & Daddy are so proud .
Amalia said…
AMEN! Okay, I have always been pretty outspoken, but now adays I am that woman who disciplines other kids in public. haha. I hated that lady. But common! So I have a somewhat similar story, the reason I missed most of the superbowl. I had a SB party and a friend of a friend brought her kids. One was about 7 or eight and the other was 5. there were others their age there. However, those boys (all the kids that age here were boys) were very well behaved. No these 2 kids were rough, more than little boy rough. They had no consideration for the toddlers around them. The older one (the worst of them) kept asking to play with my darts and dart board. He wouldn't take no for an answer, but I said it none-the-less. Then he wanted to play my brothers xbox360. He seemed to think because some idiot let him play darts before, and he played xbox, then I would also be an idiot. Whatever.

Poor Matthew, he was soo enamoured by the older boys and wanted to play with them sooo bad. When they were sitting on the couch (they were on timeout for previous issues) I came down stairs with matthew. Matthew went right to them and wanted to play. I told them that Matthew would like to play cause "he thinks your cool." The kids response: "we are on time out and if any of the other kids come talk to us we have to beat them up."
HELL NO! I told him he will not and that he will be in a alot more trouble if he even looked like he was, and then I confronted his mother about it. She was embarrased and seemed to be at the end of her rope. I don't know her situation but whatever it is, its effecting the behavior of her child. I blame deployments mixed with stupid people. A bad combo for a healthy stable family enviroment.
Jen said…
What on earth?! I cant believe how they were acting. So what if it was your brother...he's beating the crap out of you!! I'm glad you said something, and sad that they didn't care!
This gives me another reason to pray i never have a boy!!

Glad your ok and that they didn't pull you down and beat you as well!!
Haley Elizabeth said…
I would of said something to. I military kids are crazy. They don't look both ways when the cross the street, they are loud, obnoxious the list goes on. I would of done the same thing. I can't believe what kids are allowed to play and watch at young ages. It's ridiculous! Don't worry about Noah, I'm sure he'll keep his own in school. He has been taught the right and wrong and will know what to do if a situation comes up like that.
I would have reacted exactly as you did. Its frustrating to be so disrespected by kids especially when their caretakers are right there. Boys definately are more aggressive but as mothers we don't need to add to that. Meaning allowing them to play violent video games, R rated movies, even the news you have to be cautious of. Boys pick up these things differently then little girls do. Its unfair that we have to sensor who our boys can play with due to lack of parenting. I will though all the way and if I saw Dylan behaving that way ever! I can be the bad parent for the majority of my days. If it protects Dylan and keeps him a loving caring person I will do that. I remember hearing "I don't care what the other parents do" and its true. We have to be the best parents we can be in this crazy world. And if that makes us the bad guys or the parent who overreacts well so be it.
Britni said…
I agree I think Noah & Tristan will do just fine in school. Once they are both in school they will protect each other. But most importantly they will have been taught right from wrong and how to respect adults & each other!

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