boo :(

My contractions mostly stopped. I still am having them, but not as frequently and not as intense. I even tried speed walking at WalMart. I think that made them calm down even more... weird. Unless I just got used to them or stopped noticing them, which I doubt. I guess I'll take a nap while I can. I'm frustrated. Good thing I didn't make any phone calls. The baby got my hopes up! I still have faith. Every step is still a step.


Anonymous said…
aww to bad! They might start up you never know! I'll be thinking about you girlie!!
Your right Booooo. At least its moving along though not too much longer and she'll be here or he. They may just be taking a break!
Britni said…
Poor you!I had this happen at least 5 times,it's so annoying isn't it?! will be soon,you're right,this is a step! :)
Britni said…
You poor thing :(I remember this lovely false labor crap and it was no fun!You are so close though and you will know when it is the real thing.I hope you go within the next couple of days.I know it stinks wondering when it's gong to happen!!
Britni said…
I must have alzheimer's I completely forgot that I had already responded to your post earlier,ahahaha... :)

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