Playing Outside

Some of the first outings I have made with Tristan have been much needed walks to playgrounds and parks. The other day we drove over to the Duck Park. Tris stayed asleep the entire time in the stroller while Noah got rid of these bagels we've had in the house for almost a month. It scared me a little that they never molded. We've been taking walks every day for exercise and fresh air. I took Noah over to the nearby playground so he could burn some energy. Where he gets energy I have no idea because the boy only eats breakfast. Tristan was awake for the entire walk there, soaking in the sights and sounds (mostly the sounds). I nursed him at the playground and then he slept the whole way home. He's been a very easy baby so far. Last night, however, he decided he wanted to eat every 30 minutes from 6 until midnight. This wasn't as painful as it sounds. Good timing too since Noah was in bed by 8. Today he has been eating longer and on both sides, mostly. He is a comfort nurser and a snacker. I've been giving him a pacifier more often. He takes it pretty well.

My mom bought Noah a new toy! It's a blow-up bouncy playgym extravaganza!!! I told her about the Little Tikes one I saw and loved (Heidi and Mark have one for Paris I believe). We found a nice cheap alternative :) I hope it will last for awhile! Noah must have thought it was a pool or something because he stripped before getting into it. I convinced him to at least put his shirt back on so he wouldn't be devoured by mosquitoes. I also went out and got a glider to put under our tree in the backyard where there is always shade. Now that it's cooling down I want to be able to take Tristan outside and nurse while Noah plays. If we end up staying we're going to get a swingset right away.

Noah and I went grocery shopping today. I couldn't make myself bring Tristan... he's just too little! I think I am going to be finding a sitter for an hour or so twice a month when I do my big grocery shopping. I could shop with the carrier, but not quick and he wouldn't last for the entire trip. It was weird... I felt the exact moment when he woke up and cried. I'll give you a hint where I felt it... I'm a nursing mother ;) What a cool connection to have with a baby. I remember when I was nursing Noah I would be at work and I could feel when he woke up from work. I would call home just to see if I was right. I was :) Motherhood is amazing. Nap time is over! Later, everyone :)


Britni said…
Thats a great idea to get a sitter :)It is hard going to the store with two!I do it now but I too didn't want Ember out & about when she was newborn.I don't think I went anywhere with her until she was 4 weeks.We stuck to walks too!:)
Good job on nursing!I've gotten over my fear of public nursing,I do it all the time too & am proud to do it.
That jumping toy looks like fun!!I'm glad Noah is doing so well with the new changes in his life!
Motherhood is so amazing. I am glad you got a glider to sit outside while Noah plays. It will help him relieve the much needed wildness! Nursing always amazed me. Your body reacts to every peep of your baby. Your doing a great job!
Anonymous said…
That is crazy!! How amazing that your body knew!

Noah's bouncer looks so fun! I wish I could do those things again. haha. That's so funny he wanted his clothes off. What is with the kids and wanting to be naked? IF Haley sits on the potty she has to have all her bottoms off. Sometiems she tries to take her shirt off. Very odd! I"m glad you are doing so great. I like the picture of you and Noah in the parking lot or something. You look great!
Pam said…
It sure was fun to catch up on things, Allie, and to see so many pics of Tristan, Noah, and you & Josh. Beeeautiful family! You must have done a great job preparing Noah for Tristan's arrival -- it sounds like he is happy to have a little brother and understands that he has to be gentle. Just think of the fun those two will have! I remember the way, even as an infant, Lizzie would look at her big brother Peter and I was amazed at the way he could entertain her. It's like the babies know that the siblings are like them -- different from the adults.

We got the birth announcement yesterday! :-)

You're a wonderful mom, Allie!

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