Almost Forgot

More positives! I lost 8 more lbs since I got back from the hospital!! Only 18 to go. I can't wait to get my old stomach back... or at least something closer to my old stomach :) AND my baby announcements have been shipped to me and will be out to everyone hopefully by the beginning of next week. I used shutterfly because it had the best multi-photo layouts and was very decent pricing.


Amalia said…
Yay! it will be gone in no time...Russell says my mommy tummy is sexy. I know he is full of crap, but none the less, I love him for it.
Britni said…
Woo-hoo!Good job on the weight loss.All the water weight just comes right off after delivery,it's so nice!Although you don't look like you gained any weight during your pregnancy.Where did you hide it?!I am 4.5 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight.Although I'd like to loose more once I hit that goal :)I like to set small goals so that it makes me more motivated,hahaha.
You are in great shape for just having a baby,go you!

I am looking forward to seeing Tristan's baby announcement :)

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