We're Home

We were released early yesterday and are resting at home now. I will make some time to share Tristan's birth story with everyone sometime soon. Here's a short summary. It was fast and furious and I swore I'd never do it again. Not too long after that, I reconsidered. I've got plenty of time to think about it! I feel fine. I was up and walking less than an hour after giving birth. Tristan is really alert and wants to eat every hour (about 15mins on one side only). He will stay awake for an hour or so at a time and just follow everyones' voices with his eyes. He's insanely strong already too. Thanks Dad B. for the flowers!! Thanks Brit for the pictures! :D We also got Paige's announcement yesterday. Very sweet :)

I'll post again soon. A nurse is coming out to the house tomorrow to check up on Tris and I. Josh's flight takes off at 8:34am. I'm sure I'll have more to say later. I'm going to cuddle with my babies before we're all split up again.


Britni said…
I am so glad to hear you are all home and well :)
I just can't believe Tristan is here!He is so sweet.I want to hold him!
How is Noah doing?Does he understand what is going on?He must just love love love his new baby brother :)

I love Tristan's little hat by the way,and I love his name.

I can't wait to hear more details,but right now you need to go rest up and snuggle with your boys a much as you can.
talk to you soon

Congratulations! :D
I am so happy Josh was there for it all!
I am so glad you are home. He is just adorable! Dylan lived in these when he was newborn. They are so easy for changing them. Soak up your family while you can. Can't wait to hear more. Rest up!
Anonymous said…
Yeah! I'm glad you are home and doing good. I'm glad that nursing is going well for you to. I can't wait to hear the birth story. I bet it feels so good to be holding Tristan. How did you feel when they said it was a boy? Were you shocked or not surprised? I bet Josh was happy again haha. I'm glad he was there for the birth. At least he got to spend a little time with the new baby. Does he go back to Germany now? Do you know what is going on with him coming back to the states yet?

Congratulations again! Enjoy your time together. Get some rest if you can and spend as much time as you can. I'm thinking of you guys!
Jen said…
Congrats guys! I'm so happy that you are all ok and healthy! Im sad that Josh is leaving so soon. I'm so glad that you got the announcement! I was worried that it might have gotten lost. What does noah think? Congrats again!
Amalia said…
I am so happy Josh was there. But it breaks my heart that you will be split up again. even if it is for a short time. I cant wait until you get to be a whole family again.

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