Another Odd Dream for the Pregger Files

I noticed that most of my pregnancy dreams involve bathrooms. Most likely sometime during the night the urge hits me, but doesn't wake me up so I end up having really odd dreams. Last night I dreamed Vita and I had rented a cabin on the beach for the summer. We had just gotten there and were unpacking when I decided to find a place to relieve myself. Where's the bathroom?!?!?!... awkwardly nestled under a counter with a sink was a crawl space. In the tiny hole was a normal sized toilet and no headroom. How do they expect a person to crawl onto the pot?! There was a secondary option, on the counter was a nice little sink-like opening that lead to said trapped toiley... in fact it was connected to the kitchen sink (talk about gross). Above the kitchen sink was cupboards so again, no headroom. I was trying to picture a way to put one foot in the kitchen sink and inch my way up to the potty hole while folded in half when some commotion started up outside.

Apparently the owner was making her rounds and she was an evil German lady... comparable to Miss Trunchbull from Matilda. She reminded me of a Drill Sergeant doing room inspections. Everyone was calling her Herr Miller, which is odd because that's the title for a man in German but dreams never make sense. She got to our door and since I was new I greeted her with a "Good afternoon, ma'am" she told me she was Herr Meuller and I leaned in for a repeat since everyone had been calling her Miller and she didn't seem the type to take that kind of name abuse. She was offended and thought I was weak and mocked me with this girly voice. What the heck. Then she told me to drop and do some push ups. I responded "I'm pregnant, lady". She challenged again with the whiney girl voice so I took the challenge and started pushing. She made up some crap about incorrect push ups... she was just a wimp and I was totally kicking her butt. Suddenly out of nowhere a few old Army buddies (Rachel and Amy) showed up for a group leg workout. We were sweatin' to the oldies, doing scissor kicks to "Good Love" by Cindy Lauper like in the Goonies. Then I woke up.

My legs hurt. My arms hurt. I have to pee... BAD. This was one of my favorite pregger dreams because I remembered so much of it and it was so weird and dumb. It wasn't stressful, just bizarre. Now I'm trying to decide what to eat and where to go today. I still think Sea World would be fun. I better get going!


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