The Snake

Here it is! I identified it as the Texas Rat Snake. They can get up to 6 feet long and are excellent climbers. Their diet mostly consists of rats (duh) and birds. They are more prone to come out at night during the summertime due to the extreme heat and are common in our area of Texas. They also have been known to use waterways for quicker travel. Creepy, huh :) Thanks for the picture, Vita! You're so brave.


Britni said…
eeek!I use to love snakes when I was little and always caught little garder snakes,or whatever they're called!I am not so brave now!
Pam said…
This is why I don't live in Texas. Why I have never BEEN to Texas. Why I don't plan on ever GOING to Texas. *shudder*

Like you said earlier about puberty and hormones, I used to live in Samoa, a rain forest, for goodness' sake! They have every creepy crawly thing imaginable and even some that are unimaginable. I was too young and stupid when we were there to be afraid. It was great!

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