The Final Word

Again I got a phone call today that means we might not be moving to Ohio. OK. This is part of being in the military (or married to the military). You must have like 5 detailed plans at all times because everything is always changing and NOTHING is done any earlier than "the last minute". I have everything planned to go to Ohio if need be. I have everything planned to move to Arizona if need be. I have everything planned to stay here if need be. Plans for giving birth alone in Texas, giving birth alone in Ohio, having Josh there in Ohio, being possibly induced... it's quite tiring trying to be prepared for something you can't plan.

Josh watching Noah sleep

Of course what I'm really really hoping for is Arizona. As much as I love my family, I think I'm ready to actually have a functioning one of my own. I don't feel like going into detail because quite frankly I'm sick of thinking about it. I can't take much more of this flip-flop crap... getting my hopes up to smash them. This time I'm not getting my hopes up. Josh doesn't even know yet because of the time difference. We've got a friend out in Arizona hooking us up with information and contacts. THANK YOU, KEVIN!!! Josh will know first thing tomorrow and hopefully get to set some things in motion and figure out what's going to happen before July. I'm sure he'll be thrilled by the stress and continued uncertainty as well.

The sky here was gorgeous today, which was perfect since I joined a weekly theme group on Flickr and this week's theme happens to be clouds. There was a rainbow ring around the sun. It was amazing. Lucky me for not having a job and having a camera and living in Texas and every other factor that contributed :) Here's some pictures I took today and my 2 week submission to the pregger files.


Andrea said…
I love your pics!

AND I hear you on being married to the military. Grrr... I had to plan my wedding around a "possible" deployment, and now they're being more elusive about when Kevin will come home, when his R&R days are, etc, etc. I can barely imagine trying to figure out where to give birth and where to live! Hang in there, someday this too shall pass!! :o)
Britni said…
I hope Arizona works out for you guys!I agree with Andrea someday you will be looking back on this and reminding yourself of the hard times you've gotten through.I love your sky pictures,very cool!
Britni said…
By the way I love how you have the picture of Josh with Noah in the Snuggli(sp?) right by his bed.I have the same Snuggli carrier :)

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