37 Weeks

I haven't been taking pictures of myself or Noah this week. I guess I'm just bleh. The baby has definitely dropped and I've been feeling tired and uncomfortable. Vita's birthday was yesterday so I took her out to dinner, which was SO FUN. Kevin watched Noah for me, which added about 500% to the fun hehehe :) Noah's been... Noah. He's cute and annoying, but mostly cute.

I think my washing machine broke. It won't spin or rinse... BOOO! I messed with it and saw some nice sparks and somehow made it finish the load I was doing. No idea if it will work again. I washed Meaty today because he was starting to smell like a dog. Now he smells purty. Once again he was super happy... a dog who loves getting a bath, go figure :)

Tonight is a lunar eclipse, tomorrow is a full moon. It all makes me quite nervous because bizarre cosmic happenstances have been known to send women into labor. Plus I've been feeling very... labor-ish. I am still ok, though... certain things have yet to happen. I've been laying around a lot, though just in case. Only 6 more days. I have to go because Noah is trying to make his own popcorn and God only knows what button he just hit on the microwave.

I can't believe the response I've gotten from people who want baby announcements! I'm so flattered :) I didn't realize I had so many friends!!! I think it's time to start making predictions, people. Here are some useful factoids. Noah was 6'14ozs, 21 1/4" long, and was born at 37wks. My due date is September 17th. Let the games begin.


Jen said…
Yea..I'm first!!! I say a girl, 7# 6oz,(I'm partial to them!) and 20" long at 37 1/2 weeks!
I cant believe that your already done!! That went so fast, I feel old these days just keep slipping by!
Cant wait.
Britni said…
Ok here is my prediction...

I think you will have a girl on September 5th (3pm)
She will weigh
7 lbs. 1oz
and measure
20.5 inches long

I hope you are able to post when you head off to the hospital to give us a heads up!But I know that will be the last thing on your mind....have Vita post some pictures of the baby right away!That's what I had Mark do for me when he ran home to get Ava :)
Britni said…
You're full term now,so it's ok to have the baby now since their lungs are mature....you can give a sigh of relief now.I know it's good to know you've hit that point :)
Nerdular said…
a boy of course
august 27. haha
j/k, umm... ill stick to 9/2
7'3oz, 21 in

ill post asap!
if im in seattle (9/1-5) i can pry post but wont be able to do pix.
Oh I want to play too!!!!

I say a boy
On September 3
weight: 7lbs. 5oz
Height: 21 inches

Oh I'm so excited to see what your having!!! It won't be long now:)
Anonymous said…
This is pretty fun! I think it's another boy and it will be 7lbs 2 or 3 oz's I don't know. One or the other haha. I think he will be 20 inches long. He'll be born 9/7. I'm just guessing. What day is Josh coming in? I can't wait to see what the baby really is. How did you survive not knowing this whole time!! I think I would go nuts with wanting to know.
I am going to say

Sept. 5
7 lbs
21 1/2 inches

I am saying a Girl!!! I know you'll be blessed either way.
Anonymous said…
Hmmmmm.... I say GIRL - 6 lbs 8oz 20.5 inches and she will arrive on 09/09. Yay, I'm so excited for you!

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