Short and Sweet

Josh's leave was changed today and now it's possible we're not going to Arizona and he's not going to school. Good things: now he will be here from the 2nd - 16th and it won't be charged leave! That's 5 extra days AND he'll still maintain the 10 leave days he had before. We had to buy the plane ticket and we had to eat the cost of the other one. He has to fly back to Germany from here, which means we won't be seeing him on the weekends. Oh well.

I'm not thinking about it too much. I just am tired of the Army. Any thoughts I previously had about Josh reenlisting have died a horrible agonizing death the past few years. Luckily he feels the same way. We'll finally be free civilians in 2010! We'll be able to move where we want, do what we want, live how we want, work where we want... struggle in much more manageable ways. We've had enough. The Army wants to consistently make life hell for people who strive to do their best and serve honorably... well really it's other people in the Army who are jealous, disgruntled, unhappy, or unsuccessful.


Anonymous said…
I hate the Army for you and I hate the Navy for me. Geez, I swear the military just wants to screw us so we don't have the nice happy family we want. It's ridiculous. I guess everything that happens like this just makes you stronger. Right? That is great he'll be home 5 extra days! You guys can be a some what normal family for those days, and have a your baby with yiour husband being there. That will be the best thing ever. I hope you guys have a great 15 days together. You deserve it! Dave is thinking about going officer. It's been a battle from Day 1 since he joined the Navy. Everyone said, why join if you already have a college degree, should of went officer." It's annoying, I have my quams about it to. He doesn't want to but we think of the money we could get. IT's such a toss up. I totally understand that you guys will not be reenlisting. I wouldn't either after all the Army has done. I feel like yelling at them for you. UGGGG!! :)
I hope you are feeling okay and in not to much pain tonight.
Britni said…
So nothing is really for sure now?I am glad you have a good out look.I am sure you are just anxious to see Josh.Try not to sounds like you're doing good though...kinda?It's late,I'm not making sense,talk to you soon.Hang in there.
Allison said…
Yes, Brit... once again our lives are on hold and uncertain. ARGHHH!! We're doing fine because we never expect good things from the Army haha. And because... well what can we do, really. We have to be fine or we'll go crazy. What's a few more months after 3 years of separation.

I'm really glad he'll be here that extra 5 days while my parents are here. Maybe we can go on a date! He'll FINALLY get to talk to my mom and dad. They've only had the opportunity to see him in person twice in the 4 and a half years we've been married. Most of my family hasn't even met him. How sad is that.

I can't WAIT to be a non-military family. I wish he could just quit his job. He's served for 6 years now. The 3 in the Army have obviously been a living hell.
Britni said…
wow,I didn't realize that,that's a long time!
I bet your parents are so excited they get to see him too!

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