5am now... still not done

Nearly every night Noah will wake up and not go back to sleep for at least an hour. It's always between 2-4am. What really annoys the hell out of me is that he won't tell me WHY! I've tried being really sweet and nice to find out what's wrong and what I can do... nothing. I've moved along the spectrum to anger and he still says nothing. He sits in his bed with a fake frown on his face and just stares at the sheets. I end up leaving the room saying "well I guess nothing is wrong then and you can go back to sleep" and then he lays back down and waits 20 minutes before starting up again.

He doesn't do a normal cry... it's this grunting, screaming, forced kind of crying noise that causes the hair on my neck to stand up. Why wait 20 minutes? My guess is because he knows that's when I start to fall back asleep and he wants me to hurt him or something haha j/k :/ I end up staying awake until 2am just because I know I can be more patient if I'm tired and he's keeping me awake than if I'm tired and he woke me up. Tonight he woke me up.

He started at 4, it's 4:45 now. I'm so tired and I just want him to SHUT UP! I thought I'd get on here and vent instead of going back to bed since I'm sure he's not quite done yet. I don't want to be angry with him. I know I'm just tired. We'll see if the Motrin works tonight. Sometimes he gets headaches or leg cramps so Motrin works. I am so sick of playing this guessing game with him. I'm 8mos pregnant and doing this all alone... that makes me exhausted enough.

OK I'm nice and calm now and I think he went back to sleep finally. One more check and then I am going to CRASH! Goodnight, mommies. Thanks for listening.

(I posted this on the "Mommas of 2004 Babies" group on cafemom.com)

Update: He's still not asleep and after my post he started asking to go potty without whining and crying. WORDS!!! Now I'm going to check again and see if he's drifting off. Please let him be asleep. My back is killing me from mopping today, my throat is on fire, and I am sooooo ready to go back to sleep :P He's talking... something about a bird? "I'm scared bird". Guess that means I am sleeping with Noah tonight. I have no patience left to give. He wins.


Anonymous said…
Allie, I feel your pain. Haley is not a sleeper and never has been a sleeper. I was up with her consently in the middle of the night till probably 6 months ago. She's finally doing better. She did wake up two nights ago for an hour. I think it was the storm though. I just say it's ni night time and you need to go to sleep. If that doesn't work, then I take her to her couch with all the lights off except a little light and cover her with a blanket and give her milk. IT seems to work most of the time. I don't do it more then 10 mins though out of bed. I just can't image not getting sleep when your 8 months pregnant. It's probably a phase and a growth spurt. Sounds like he might be having night terrors?

ps. I joined Cafemoms.com I haven't had time to actually explore to much on there. I think my name is fullmoon03? Look me up!
Britni said…
I am going to try this cafe mom thing too...I haven't had a chance yet...maybe tonight.

Poor Noah,and poor you!Ava use to wake up every hour when she was teething,but she got that out of the way a long time ago.I can't imagine how exhausted you must be!!I'm sorry I don't have any good suggestions for you either.Is there anything that scares him during the day that might be triggering these episodes?I hope he grows out of this before the new baby arrives.

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