Let's Give This a Shot

OK so Vita found this Chinese Birth Chart that supposedly predicts the gender based on time of conception vs "Chinese age" of the mother. I checked out the stats for Noah and the chart was right... I just wanted to see how accurate this thing is... if you all are up to it, take a look. According to the chart I am having a girl. One more thing to get my hopes up hahaha. Not that I want a girl MORE. It's just that, in over 6 generations of Burnetts not ONE female has been born so the odds are kinda against us as far as Josh's side goes. We have a lot more women on my side so maybe we can somehow beat the odds, but there are a lot less granddaughters than grandsons! We've been pretty certain that we're only going to have boys and then we'll just adopt a girl later. We agreed on that a long time ago. So... if we do have a girl it will be the shock of the century to everyone, Josh's side and mine. Only time will tell, and not that much more time either! :)

I promise I will let you all know when I head to the hospital. I am all about blogging! I wish the hospital had wireless internet :/


Britni said…
Yep,the chart is right for both my girls!haha
I want to see this baby of your's,can you go into labor soon,please...hehe :D
Maggie H said…
Hi Allie, it's Vita's friend Misse. According to that chart my baby should have been a girl and well, Jacob's a boy. :)
Jen said…
Well it was right with Lilly but not with Paige. So that still gives you a 50/50 shot. I wish there was a clear way to tell other then the obvious ultrasound. How are you not finding out!!! We as outside people need to know!!!
How are you feeling?
yep mine was right for Lily. I have always checked this thing because just like you we don't find out. It says that I'm having another girl too so we shall see:)

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