More Pictures

I ended up taking a few more shots today because Noah was being so stinkin' weird and crazy. He was also being a bit of a brat... my fault for not making him nap today. He always gets crazy if he doesn't get a nap. He was hitting everything with this plastic tube and screaming. He never hit me or the baby so I was just kind of watching him go nuts. My excuse will be that I wanted him to burn energy. He also was crawling around the deck, kissing my feet, "I love feet" and cracking up. Then he was crawling under my chair telling me "I love butt" and cracking up. Already with the little boy potty humor.

It was so nice once the sun was off the deck. There was a great breeze blowing and it was maybe 76 or so in the shade. We stayed out until it was bed time. Usually when the sun goes down the mosquitoes come out. I ended up putting a pair of jeans on to try and save myself from the tiny vampires. I hate mosquitoes :P I got a much better picture of Tristan's new beautiful chub! :) I love cuddling with my babies... but not when they're covered in sweat, chalk, jelly, yogurt, boogers, and whatever other nastiness managed to stick to 'em that day. That's why new babies are so great haha.


Britni said…
Oh,I just love that last picture,the 1st one of Noah is really great too :)
Good job on nursing,aren't you proud that all his chub is thanks to you?!I always think that when I look at Ember.It's amazing that they can thrive just on breast milk :)

I hate mosquitoes too.:P We don't ever get any here.I always get eaten up when I go to my parents house though!I'm glad it cooled down just enough for you guys to be outside.Noah sounds so funny!I bet he & Dylan would just have a ball together being boys :D
Anonymous said…
I love the last picture to! That is so sweet! How did you get it taken?

That's funny about Noah. Haley gets to be a crank ball with no nap. I love when she takes naps. I'm going to be so depressed and sad when nap time will be over coming up shortly I'm sure. Does Noah still take a nap everyday normally?
Allison said…
katie - I've gotten to be a pro at taking pictures of myself over the past few years. I have the added bonus of being blessed with long monkey-like arms.

Noah takes a nap on days we don't have anything to do or really just if we can fit it in. He didn't take one yesterday or today, which just means he goes down at 8 instead of 9 or 10. He gets to be a loud crazy pain in the butt, but he's bearable :)
I love it too cute. Don't you just love when they run wild and haven't the slightest idea what they are doing. I love having a boy but it is non stop all day. He has to be busy just about every minute of the day. He is so easy to read too. Its like I know what the next dangerous idea he is going to try out!
Pam said…
I have to laugh about the little boy potty humor thing... No one has to teach them that stuff!

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