Tired and Grumpy

Not Noah, not Tristan... ME! Tristan was really whiny last night from about 11-2am and wanted to be latched on the entire time so I didn't get much sleep. I am seriously considering co-sleeping. I haven't done it yet because I sleep horribly when I do, thinking I'm going to roll and crush the poor baby. That's the only reason though. I'm not against it no matter what pediatricians say. Tristan just never wants me to put him down. I keep reminding myself that we're almost halfway through the newborn stage and he will be sleeping at night soon enough. I'm ready for nap time today :P I just hope Tristan will let me sleep this time!

We went on our very first trip to the grocery store! It went really well. Tristan slept the entire time in the car and in the store. He didn't wake up until we were pulling in, which made unloading pretty difficult. It all worked out fine. Now I'm even more exhausted though. I am going to stop trying to do stuff with Noah and just let him watch TV so I can fall asleep on the couch. Then maybe I will stop snapping at him. I just can't take his whining and climbing today. He won't leave me alone! I am starting to feel that "caring for 2" pressure.

I finally got to feed myself though! haha OK I am going to lay down and relax now while I have the opportunity.


Britni said…
I co-sleeping with Ember.A lot of people don't agree with it but when you're nursing it is so much better.Plus I love snuggling with Ember.We don't get enough snuggle time during the day,so I make up for it.Ember could fall asleep just by the smell of me,lol.I am always very careful though.I have our bed up against the wall roll a tight blanket up & it's stuffed in the crack,she sleeps in a sleep positioner still & I never fall asleep while she's in between Mark & I.He is a very heavy sleeper!I started co-sleeping once her neck control was strong because her nose would get plugged up against me during the day & if that happened at night it would not have been safe at all.When she was really young she didn't have instinct to pull her head back,you know?

Ava has been in a strange whiny mood today too,it's drivin me batty :)!

I hope you're able to get some sleep!Good job on grocery shopping!I remember my 1st time going with both of them.I go with the double stroller though & stuff groceries all around the cart ,then carry a basket...it's pretty crazy,haha.
It's a lot of ups and downs with two,because it's so much fun,but also so much work!!I feel your stress :)
Allison said…
sounds super safe to me!

I'm "guilty" of putting Tristan on his stomach to sleep at night. He sleeps better and longer because he stops doing that jerky motion, thinking he's falling. I lied to my pediatrician and told him he sleeps on his back all the time. I didn't feel like hearing a lecture. Whatever! His neck is so strong there's no way he would suffocate... plus the bassinet mattress isn't soft and there's nothing in there for him to get wrapped up in.

I think we're both good moms and not ALL pediatric advice is right for all people. There's many different styles of parenting and you have to choose what's right for you.
Britni said…
I remember that jerky motion!Both girls did that.Ava loved being swaddled & was like that until 3 months.Ember didn't like it for as long.
The pediatrician always asks if Ember's in her crib too.I tell her yes since technically she starts out in it :)
I think its good they question people though because some people really shouldn't be co-sleeping especially if they drink.I bet they see some very scary parents in there!
I agree though sometimes a parent knows whats best for their child. :)

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