Oktoberfest Schmoktoberfest

I called Josh and he's hoarse from chanting toasts alongside people from all around the world, with the greatest beer ever. Well, JOSHUA just because we're not in Munich (where Oktoberfest originated) enjoying the drunken debauchery of the grandest, most well-known celebration in German culture doesn't mean we can't have fun. Sigh.

FIRST of all... more important things happen to be going on right now. My mother-in-law just took the plunge for the 2nd time :) We wish we could have made it to the ceremony, but a 3wk old baby that nurses every 2 hours does not a good traveler make. She's a mom and understands. She said they have our picture there with them. I thought that was cute :) Welcome to the family, Grandpa Mark! I wish you both many many happy years together. I know the ceremony was wonderful and I hope you're having tons of fun celebrating with all your family and friends that were able to make it.

I also talked to Kevin's Mom today and I was really glad to hear from her. I had asked Kev to give me her address and stuff so we can keep in touch and I guess she requested the same info for me. I can't wait to send her a baby announcement haha. I love sending them to people who love babies :) When she was here I was impressed with her uncanny ability to understand everything Noah said. Usually I have to translate, but she knew everything he was saying. Noah of course loved her for it... and the fact she kept giggling when he would tickle her. We discussed Kevin and his weird quirks. I updated her on how we're doing and how we STILL don't know where we're going. It was just nice to talk to someone who I know is worried like I am about Kev, even though we never even said anything remotely to that effect.

We took a long drive after talking with Josh so I could decompress because hearing all the crazy fun going on in the background made me jealous again. It was difficult since the baby cried a few times and made me feel guilty. Didn't stop me, though! I went through the drive-thru at Starbucks (which I've heard called fourbucks and that's totally true) and got myself a chai tea latte. Once I had my delicious drink I was feeling a little more like me. I glanced over at one of our tables and lo and behold, old Halloween chalk stencils! Jennifer got these for Noah last year and we never opened them. Noah was excited and had fun tracing. It took some practice for him to realize he had to hold it down with one hand and draw with the other, but he got the hang of the concept.

I had a great time capturing little baby parts with my camera, snuggling with poor Tristan to make up for his unanswered wailing in the car. His eyes are so much lighter than Noah's were. I wonder if this means he will end up with light eyes then. Since I was busy admiring Tristan's tiny parts Noah took the liberty of decorating the grill for Halloween for me. How nice of him!

I was downloading the pictures afterward and took a tiny trip down memory lane. I swear I had to label Noah's pictures wrong because Tristan looks as big as Noah was when he was 6 weeks old. Is Tristan really double Noah's size? Let's compare. I think Tristan is going to look more like Josh than Noah does, if you can believe it. How is it possible to be even more of a Josh clone one may wonder... well I think Tristan's eyes are more closely set than Noah's and that's how Josh's are. Josh has a pin head, don't you babe ;) Noah's the first one.

I got Noah's frame today, Brit! I love how they look together. I think reversing the colors was a good idea. I just ordered a bunch of prints, but forgot to get the two 4x6's that I wanted for the frames. I'm so mad at myself! Maybe I accidentally got at least Tristan's. I'll see in a few days.


I love all of Noahs artwork, especially the newly decorated grill. The frames look so nice together. Don't get tense about missing Octoberfest with Josh. I'm sure he'd rather be with the three of you.
Rachel said…
those frames are so adorable I think I might have to go buy myself one!:)
Britni said…
Yay the frames look awesome!I really love all the shots you took today!I think Tristan looks a lot like Josh too!
I think Ava looks a lot like Mark & Ember looks more like me....and somehow they look alike in many ways too.I love how it all works like that :)I will write you an e-mail now.I can't believe It didn't send last night.I hate Compuserve sometime,ugh! :)ttyl

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