Wednesday Play Group

A bunch of us military mommies from meet up every Wednesday on the base playground to let our kids play their little hearts out. This was the first time I was able ot make it to the "official" play group. Tristan slept the entire time until right before we left. I nursed him briefly and he went back to sleep before we came home. He's still asleep now! I think it's because he was awake all morning eating. I don't mind if it means a longer nap! It did make eating breakfast really difficult for me, though. I didn't get to eat until around 10:30, even though we'd been up since 6am. Noah woke up because he had to go potty and just didn't fall back asleep. He should nap really well today. Tris is wearing my favorite outfit. It was my favorite for Noah too :) It's just sooooo cute! Babies wearing pants just kills me every time.

So... the playgroup was great. My friend Jamie showed up with her 2yr old, Sienna and 4mo old Jesse. She also brought some cute outfits for Tristan and size 1 diapers. YAY! Sienna and Noah are "dating", we decided haha. They chased each other around the entire time, pushed each other down, helped each other back up. They were in perpetual motion so I didn't get too many good shots. They're quite a cute couple! All the other kids were around 1yr old or so. Noah was a giant compared to them. They all got along really well and all the moms got along well too. I plan to show up every Wednesday that I can. Afterwards we usually go over to Starbucks for "Mom" time, but I wasn't able to go. Maybe in a few months. It was so nice to get out of the house and Noah was SO happy to finally be allowed to run around and get loud and crazy.

And now it's time for me to snack and nap :)


Britni said…
That's so nice for Noah to be able to ru around with some other kids,even if they are a bit younger!Sienna is too cute!
I love Tristans's little outfit & his wild dark head of hair!!

It's so healthy for you to be getting out like this.I know I feel so much better when I get out of the house & talk to other Mom's ,especially ones in my predicament!!

I really have to make an effort to eat.When I don't my milk suffers noticeably,it's strange.Then I have to play catch up & be a pig.Like today,haha.Some days I really don't get to eat until lunch time,it's so bad for my milk!I usually end up eating breakfast standing up in the kitchen :P...I guess it's all about time management!I'm glad you had a good day :D

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