5 months old

5 months old is a pretty big deal for me. I washed up the high chair and the bath seat today, and got the floppy seat out too (it's a shopping cart seat cover). Tristan is too squirmy to not be in a seat in the tub anymore. He rolls from side to side, front to back, back to front.

I put him in the high chair and let him try some cereal again. He LOVED it. It's probably going to be a nightly thing now. I have to move everything far away from him since he's gotten pretty good with his hands now. He's also quite skilled at sitting (provided he has back support). He sure is growing fast!


Britni said…
Wow Tristan & Noah really look alot a like to me. They both have those looong eye lashes!!

Happy 5 Months Tristan!! He is getting stronger everyday and so close to all the mobility milestones. You will be on the move chasing after him! Haha. I love the last picture :)
Anonymous said…
Ahh! He's growing so fast, and we have yet to hold him. Make him stop growing so fast til we get to cuddle him!! LOL. I can't believe how blonde his hair is getting!

Aunt Pam
Nerdular said…
i just keep looking at these pictures over and over *sigh*

he will probably be all blond with green eyes and walking by july!!!

southwest doesn't fly to augusta and tickets from here to there are more than to ohio! boooo.

doesn't mean i won't be coming out, though! :)
Haley Elizabeth said…
Aww he's getting so big. I remember giving Haley cereal. She loved her's to. IT's such a big deal putting them in a shopping card and highchair. I remember thinking my baby is getting so big!

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