Lunar Eclipse

Hopefully you all know we had a full lunar eclipse last night. I got a few really cool shots. It was near impossible to get the camera to focus at all before the cycle was complete because the light was just so bright compared to the night sky. PLUS I was still figuring out my tripod (which once I figured out a few things I realized is AWESOME thanks V!!) and the settings to use. I ended up using the night landscape dummy setting and the timer so that me pushing the button wasn't screwing with my shot. I think it turned out pretty stinkin' cool!


Britni said…
Wow, those are awesome shots!!

I tried at the last minute to get pictures last night and I was freezing my butt off!! They did not come out too well :P Oh well maybe in 3 years during the next lunar eclipse I'll get better shots, haha :)
Nerdular said…
COOL! It was too cloudy here. :(

I realize now how essential a tripod it!
Amalia said…
OOOH. So thats how you keep it from getting blurry, Why didn't I think of that! I have a tripod too! arrgh, My shots of the eclipse sucked. Yours are awsome! I have great shots of matthew passed out in his wagon from that night though.
Pam said…
Dang. I was excited to see the eclipse and we had perfectly clear skies that night. We were meeting some friends for dinner that night and as we pulled up, the moon was full and huge. I told Joe I was going to gawk at it when we left the restaurant. But then I had a couple of glasses of wine and didn't even think about it until the next day. So I'm really enjoying your photos! You take great pics, Allie!
Haley Elizabeth said…
Those are great pictures!! I'm a retard and forgot about it. I wish I would of seen it!

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