Noah Feeding Tristan

Noah loves feeding his baby brother. Tristan doesn't mind it at all. Although I think he gets a little peeved when Noah is more focused on stirring the cereal rather than shoveling it into Tris's mouth hahaha. I've been trying to upload the video, but it doesn't seem to be working. I put it on the scrapbook site like I usually do. That uploader just works better than the blogger one for me.


Britni said…
How cute!

I have not let Ava do this yet. She does give Ember her sippy of water all the time & help her tip it sometimes but I am afraid that Av will think she can feel Ember anything if I let her do baby food!...At least Noah is old enough to know what things are ok for him & whats not :)

We had to stop giving Ember cereals because it turns out that the reason she was having night wakings was because of indigestion!!!Go figure! Here I thought it would help her sleep! She has been doing great sleeping since I cut out the cereal! She loooves baby food right now :)
Britni said…
I just watched the cute! Noah is so sweet & patient :)

Tristan was like gimme the food!!! haha he really did look hungry! Ember has never been like that with baby food or cereal. If she's enjoying it she'll open her mouth wider but shes never been so eager that she is reaching or diving for it. Maybe once I cut back my nursing...who knows!

I loved the video, too cute! Tristan is just moving right along with his milestones :)

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