Birthday Party

We met some people the other day just from being outside and were invited to their son's 3rd birthday party today. There was cake and goodies galore. The kids jumped on their trampoline and got to hit a pinata too! All the kids played really well together. We didn't get to stay too long because Tristan needed a nap, but we had a great time.


Amalia said…
I LOVE Tristan's sweater. Too cute.
Jennifer said…
Ahh!! cute baby!! Looks like you guys are having a good time out there- hurray! You're always so quick to make friends, you lucky gal! I miss you! I deleted my myspace account. I decided I was spending too much time on there and it was shameful. Anyway, you've got my email! I'm glad to see you guys so happy and together :)
Haley Elizabeth said…
That is great you guys found people to hang out with really close. That is also good that Noah has a little friend his age! Oh that is so important to have same age children when your friends. It makes life so much easier. I hope you guys continue to be friends!
Britni said…
Happy 5 months Tristan!!
Britni said…
I guess I never left a comment on this post! That's fun that Noah is already meeting kids his age to play with!

I love the picture of Noah jumping on the trampoline. I remember jumping on yours back at your old house where your Mom had the day care. ( I remember your insanely smart black & white...(Border Collie?) You would tell him to go get a specific toy & he would & find that exact toy!....sorry I had a flash back for some reason,haha :)

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