First Night in the... Crib?

Well Tristan slept really well in his crib until about 11pm (3 hours after we put him down). This is very typical for him. I nursed him and he went right back to sleep. 2am rolls around and I can hear him waking up again... another 3 hours, again very typical for him. I decided to wait it out until he got really fussy to see if he'd go back to sleep. He did! Or at least I think he did because I honestly feel like last night was a big blur. I can't remember if I went and got him at 2am and put him back in our room (for my own comfort) or if he went back to sleep until 4am. I am almost positive he went back to sleep until 4am and then I brought him back to our room because I don't recall nursing twice and I definitely remember feeling very "full" when I finally did feed him. So... then he slept from 4-6 and then 6:30-8:30. I really do think his sleeping has a lot to do with that tiny playpen. All in all I think the night was pretty successful. Once I get a chair in his room everything will be so much better! I nursed on the floor with my back to his closet at 11 last night... not too fun. That's how I was feeding him for that entire week when we were moving out, though so it was OK. Thankfully since he's older he eats a whole lot faster!


Britni said…
Thats good that Tristan is nursing fast already! Ember just recently started nursing 5 minutes on each side. She is super fast & efficient. I think she is just a huge comfort nurser a lot of the time. Lately she'll nurse real quick so she can play,haha.

Nursing on the floor would not be fun!My back would go out! I have nursed in every way possible though. One time I had to nurse Ember standing up,which was kind of funny....I am sure this is way more info then anyone wants to hear haha.
Allison said…
I've had to nurse standing before... even while walking. Before Josh got back I would nurse while eating dinner or cooking, while reading Noah his bedtime story or bathtime. I think that's why Tristan's new "easily distracted" phase is so frustrating sometimes! I used to be able to do laundry while nursing, now I have to just sit there in the quiet darkness haha. I still prefer nursing to a bottle! I think it's more convenient in many ways.
Britni said…
I totally agree it's convenient. I am so proud of you:) You have really done a wonderful job and have gone through a lot already. I remember before you had Tristan you were worried about being able to nurse with a wild toddler around :) Tristan will grow out of the distracted stage all of a sudden then it will be easier & less boring again,haha.You are almost to your goal(Yay!) and I'm sure you'll end up going right past it!

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